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Email Update: The 2013 Oscar Best Picture Nominations

by Randy Heffner

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Happy 2013!

One of the fun things about the early part of the year is the Oscar nominations are out. It’s not that the Oscars are any final answer about what films are worth your time, but rather, seeing what the Academy thinks is an interesting cultural data point. As a whole, the list of nominations is sort of a status check on the depth of artistic work that the US film industry finds laudable. This kind of thing is what we like to ask about at https://piercedtotheheart.org.

So, every year after the nominations come out, we take a look at the Best Picture nominations from a Pierced to the Heart perspective, that is: How well do the films do at exploring important life questions and, secondarily, how excellent is their filmcraft? In other words, we’re not trying to predict the Oscars, but rather say how the films would fallout if we were Oscar. Here’s the bottom line (or you can read the full PttH Oscar 2013 Roundup).

The top tier: (click an image to read the film’s Quick Talk)

Beasts of the Southern Wild


Zero Dark Thirty



The extremely good second tier:

Les Misérables


Life of Pi


Silver Linings Playbook


Django Unchained

The bottom rung: (they’re good, but have some notable filmcraft failings)





Hope you have fun exploring the films you liked — catch on DVD some good ones that you missed! You can also go here for links to write-ups on each of the 2013 nominations.

Other good links at Pierced to the Heart:

Happy filmgoing to you! We wish you the best in 2013!

Randy Heffner

Pierced to the Heart



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